Monday, December 26, 2011

Are you ready for the NEW YEAR?

Court asVincent Van Gogh
New Year resolutions. We all make them; fewer still continue them and even less, perhaps none keep them all. An unknown author wrote, “Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits.”  And another unknown author said, “A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.” But we are different aren’t we? We are computer users. We have a certain discipline that moves us forward.

Besides, I have discovered another method that allows me to keep my resolutions. I only make resolutions that can be accomplished in a very short defined time frame. Resolutions that have a beginning and an end spelled out in very succinct terms. For example: a person that sets an untenable resolution would be one that says, “I will lose weight this year.” No time frame, no defined actions, and no end date. No wonder we can’t keep these resolutions. But if we have a resolution defined, actionable and with a clear conclusion to it, we can accomplish it, and have the satisfaction of knowing we succeeded at something. 

Let me help you with some New Years Resolutions that you can accomplish while reading this column.

Resolution one: Since heat and moisture are two killers of computers, I resolve to check the area around the PC for anything that might contribute heat or moisture to the machine. A heat vent blowing on the PC or maybe a clothes dryer that heats up the area around the PC. Next take a look at the vents on the PC and around the cooling fan or fans to make sure that they are not blocked or filled with dust or dirt. Use a can of compressed air to blow the dust out of the fan and grill areas.

Resolution two: I will clean my mouse. If using a mechanical mouse, cleaning the goop from inside the mouse can prevent the pointer from moving erratically. Unscrew the ring on the bottom of the mouse and remove the ball. Inside there will be two or three plastic rollers. Scrape the accumulated gunk off the plastic rollers and then carefully use a cue tip dipped in some isopropyl alcohol to clean the rollers back to their original condition. Reinsert the ball and tighten the retaining ring back in place. Using a wireless mouse? When was the last time you changed the batteries if it has been a while change them now while everything is working so it doesn't die in the middle of that all important issue paper the president asked you for.

Resolution three: I will keep a clean keyboard. Pick up the keyboard, turn it upside down and shake it. This will allow the crumbs from your lunch to fall out, along with any paper clips, soda can tops, or small children that might have gotten into the keyboard. Next use some compressed air to remove dust and dirt. And if the keyboard is in a state that you are considering purchasing a new one, you can put the keyboard into the dishwasher, upside down, run it through a cycle and then use a hairdryer to dry it immediately afterwards. There is a 50/50 chance that your keyboard will work afterwards. If it does then you have a really clean keyboard. If it doesn’t, go buy that new keyboard you were thinking about anyway.

Resolution four: I will maintain my computer monitor. If using a CRT monitor, (not one of the flat screens) then check to make sure that vents are clear, wipe the case with something like 409 or Simple Green and if it has a degauss button push it. If you have an LCD monitor, use the same steps as above, but use isopropyl alcohol applied to a soft towel to GENTLY wipe the grease from the screen.

Resolution five: I will check my Power Surge Strip. Take a look at the strip. Look for any spots that look like they may have gotten hot or had something spilled on them. A damaged surge strip can still allow current to flow but may not protect your equipment in the event of a line surge. If you have any doubts, replace the strip. Better yet consider a battery backup. A good battery backup will have surge suppression built in and in the event of a power failure, will give you five or ten minutes to shut the PC down normally instead of crashing.

Resolution six: I will backup any critical data that I would be hard pressed to reconstruct. For example, immediately make a backup copy of your email address book. Now backup all your Favorites. How about all the documents that may be critical, back those up now as well. If nothing else put this information on a CD or a second hard-drive.

Now, make and do all these resolutions while you have my column in your hand. In no time flat all these tasks will be complete, the PC will love you and the satisfaction of doing a job well and completing it will keep you smiling for a week. Plus, if you act now, think of the look on your friends faces when you tell them you made six resolutions for the New Year and kept every single one.

One more very important resolution. These and many more tips and tricks are available in Grumbles From The Keyboard or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love My Computer. Buy it today, in fact there is a button to the right of this post that will get a copy on its way to you. Or visit, or

Hello 2012!

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