E-mail is a critical function of keeping in touch with friends, family, clubs, organizations, and bill paying. Not to mention advertisements and newsletters. Many of us have multiple e-mail addresses specifically for unique purposes. For example, I use Hotmail for business, Yahoo for family, AOL for junk mail, Gmail for clubs and organizations, NetZero for unknown reasons, and Comcast for (queue the scary music,) Quilting related stuff. (and yes, according to my wife it is only spelled with a capital Q)
Windows 8 has a very interesting Mail function built into the Metro desktop. When setting up our new Windows 8 PC for the first time, one of the questions presented is to enter our e-mail address and password. From that point forward, when we click on the MAIL tile on the Metro desktop it will immediately open our e-mail for perusal. Another feature that we find in the MAIL function is to add additional e-mail addresses to the MAIL function that enables us to quickly review all our emails from one spot regardless of the source.
To enable multiple e-mail accounts within the MAIL function of Metro, click on the MAIL tile to open MAIL. Once it is open move the mouse pointer to the upper right corner of the screen to activate the CHARMS bar. The Charms bar can also be accessed by pressing the Windows key + C on the keyboard. Click on SETTINGS in the CHARMS bar and then click on add account. Now fill in the e-mail address of account we wish to add and the password and Windows will add that account to the display within MAIL. For example, when I click on the MAIL tile, the mail program opens and in the navigation bar it displays Hotmail, Gmail, AOL and others. To view the mail from a specific account I click on that account name and there is the mail addressed to that account.
The MAIL program keeps the e-mail segregated by account. Additionally, if we have set up folders or labels within each account, as we examine our mail the folders associated with that specific account are visible and ready to receive mail should we decide to move an e-mail to a specific folder.
Windows 8 also has on the Metro desktop a tile labeled Weather. During set up for the first time the computer will ask if it may use location based information. If we say yes then when clicking on the Weather tile, the screen will display the local weather, in significant depth. If we then right mouse click anywhere on the weather menus open and one is called Places. Click here to add to the Weather display the locations of kids, grandkids, friend and other places we might have an interest in. Don’t forget to move the mouse to the upper right corner for the Charms bar, type Snipping Tool in the Search field and grab a screen shot of the weather hear in SWFL and e-mail it to our friends up north. We know they will appreciate it.
Windows 8, interesting features.
For those that follow my column in the Sun-Herald newspaper, I talked about a piece of software called Sandboxie (www.sandboxie.com) for preventing drive by download malware. Listed below are three video tutorials by Matt from Remove-malware.com. If you decide to use Sandboxie these will help the setup and configuration.
Now with all this information perculating in the brain cells, isn’t it time to get some light reading for the throne room? Pick up a copy of Grumbles from the Keyboard. Packed with tips and tricks to make using a computer fun and functional. You be so engrossed reading that you’ll forget to eat. But when you do, eat something from my cookbook/novel Epicuria: Adventures that really Cook!
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