A common complaint heard from users is, “my computer started to run slow.” There is, despite TV ads, banner ads, advertisements on the Internet no way to magically make the computer run faster. There is always a cause and the key to speeding up the computer is to find the culprit. It could be hardware related, software related or intruder related. But a step by step process of elimination can often identify the cause and suggest solutions.
First we need to identify the area of our computer that is actually slowing down. Is it the computer itself or is it the Internet connection? How do we tell the difference? If our complaint is that it takes a long time for websites to load in our browser then the problem is related to either our browser, our Internet connection, or our Internet equipment i.e. the modem or router. Let’s test our equipment first. Open a browser and go to speedtest.net. Run the test and compare the results to the rates promised by our providers. For example, Comcast promises to deliver 16 mbps or better on my plan and my test came back at 26 mbps. If the test had come in at something less than 16 mbps it may require some other diagnostic investigation. Before calling the provider take a few further steps, start by powering off the modem and powering it back on. If using one of the modems that has phone and or TV on it as well, it will have a backup battery, so find the reset button and push it. After the modem powers up check the speed again. If the problem still exists, it’s time to check the router if we have one. Power it off and on again. Do not reset a router as this will remove all the settings that were created when the router was installed. Still no improvement? Connect a computer directly to the modem and test again. Still no improvement in the speed, it may be time to call the provider. They will have the ability to check the signal from their end and determine if there is a line problem. With DSL it could be a bad phone line, surge protector, filter or modem. With cable it might be bad coax cable, splitter, lose connection or modem.
If connected directly to the modem solves the speed issue then a router may be the problem. Before tossing the router, go to the router’s control panel to look for a firmware update that the company may have issued to resolve certain issues. We can also reset the router back to factory conditions by pressing the reset button. Test the speed again to see if the problem goes away and then re-enter the previous router settings such as network name and security password.
Remember these steps are to resolve slow Internet page display issues. None of this is related to the speed of our digital domestique.
Don’t forget to pick up a copy of my books, Grumbles from the Keyboard for computer users and Epicuria: An Adventure that Really Cooks! for the Gourmand in the house.
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